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The biggest high Fake Van Cleef & Arples jewellery event is the Biennale des Antiquaires, held in Paris every two years

The biggest high Fake Van Cleef & Arples jewellery event is the  Biennale des Antiquaires, held in Paris every two years. So if you missed this September's show, you will have to wait another two whole years to be able to peer through bullet proof glass at the greatest coming together of high Cheap Van Cleef & Arpels Alhambra jewellery in one place. And what a place. The Grand Palais' magnificent glass and steel architecture, built at the same time  and with the same optimism as the Eiffel Tower is flooded with light and buzzing with the world's wealthiest who come to see the fine antiques (it is called Biennale des Anitquaires for a reason) and art on show. But far and away the busiest section of the exhibition is the jewellery 'avenue'. This year Cartier, Hermes, Van Cleef and Arpels as well as two cheap Van Cleef & Arpels vintage alhambra bracelet jewellery houses, all showed their sparkling wares under the vaulting glass domes of the Grand Palais. Each brand sets up shop along a plushly carpeted avenue the length of say two London Tube train carriages. Miniature little salons are  temporary Aladdin's Caves sparkling with each house's finest creations. The brands bring their clients to the show as well as using it as an excuse to treat them to the very best of Paris. "A little champagne with that diamond bracelet, perhaps Madame?" I love the Biennale and going there is such  a feast of beautiful fake van cleef & arpels alhambra long necklace that I feel I should put my head in a black box after leaving the Grand Palais to clean my eyes of the sparkles. And it is not just the amazing jewels that I enjoy, the people watching is fascinating. Here are some pictures I took of what the Biennale looks like. I forgot to pack my camera so used my iPhone but I promise that next time I will have my proper camera with me so you will be spared the grainy pictures.